Friday, March 10, 2017

    A Child of Sorrow 
(A Romantic Novel) 
                                                      By: Zoilo Galang 

    Zoilo Galang was born on June 27 1895 in Bacolor, Pampanga. An encyclopedist, and 

the very first English-language Filipino novelist.He spent his early life in a Bucolic town 

famed for its writers and artist. He lived with influenced of Spanish culture but was raised 

and gained consciousness under American culture. He went to school at the Bacolor 

Elementary School and then went to Manila to study at the Escuela de Derecho, the 

country’s eminent law school where he graduated in 1919. A self-starter, he learned typing 

and stenography in English and Spanish all by himself. Attracted to the English language, 

he took special courses at the University of the Philippines in 1925, then went to Columbia 

University for further studies in Literature.

   After which, he began to write books of fiction, biography, and philosophy.His early poems

saw print of the Kapampangan paper, “E Mangabiran”. He authored “ A Child of Sorrow”, the

first English novel  written by  Filipino. This was later made into a movie in 1930. Other 

notable works include “ Nadia”, “ For Dreams Must Die”, “Springtime”, “ Leaders of the 

Philippines”, “Glimpse of the worlds”, “ Life and Success”, Master of Destiny”, “Unisophy”, 

and “Barrio Life.”

     "A Child's Sorrow"  is the very first Filipino novel written in English. It was published in 

1921 by Zoilo Galang, a Filipino Novelist. A Child of Sorrow, which is a romantic novel is 

considered to be the first novel written in English by a Filipino, hence its full text is printed 

for every Filipino to know it's contents.

     The novel tells a typical setting of a Filipino love story. It was set in a particular province 

or town in a time too far from the modern setting where technology is abundant and 

dominant, but it manifests  certain characteristics of a love story which can still watched in 

televisions in the modern times. 

     The scenes in the story are still seen in the present times, though it has been written in 

the past. This makes the story eternal and timeless; from being in love at a young age, to 

the issues of fixed marriage, up to the societal issues such as bribery. 



Lucio Soliman

 Lucio Soliman- He is a protagonist. He is a slender and well-built 

with brown hair, dark clear eyes and a gay and graceful demeanor.

His face was oval and handsome in a truly manly fashion. He is a 

calm, pensive and poetic.

Pancho Ismael

Pancho Ismael- He is a corrupt governor. He is a father of Rosa.

Rosa Ismael

Rosa- She is the prettiest woman in the Merrytown.

Camillo David

Camillo David- He is a friend of Lucio Soliman.

Oscar Ramirez

Oscar Ramirez- He is a friend of Lucio, the one who raped Rosa.












     The story was set one summer when Lucio Soliman decided to accompany his friend 

Camilo in the beautiful town of Merry Town, Camillo's hometown. Lucio was a very poetic 

man who'd prefer sitting all day just to read. But because his friend was to eager to show his

friend reality, he insisted that Lucio must take a vacation in their town.

     Their she met a young, innocent, and delicate maiden that made Lucio's heart beat by 

the name of Rosa Garcia.  He felt in love with her. And as Lucio describe the love he felt 

towards this girl, he said it will make Apollo's lyre play. He was madly in love. Rosa felt the 

same towards Lucio.

      Until the end of summer vacation drew near and they knew they have to be temporarily 

apart. Lucio has to pursue his dreams, he studied. Known for his intelligence, he became a 

popular person. He became very busy, but still he misses the company of his dearest loved. 

He became sorrowful. Not until Rosa wrote a letter to make him bliss. Then he regained his 

strength. They have not forgotten the love that empowers both of them.  Until a celebration 

in merry Town paved way for the lovers to reunite. Lucio was invited to speak in the public. 

But the Governor ( Rosa's Father) was not please and her has this ill feeling towards Lucio. 

He instantly asked Oscar ( His most trusted man and Rosa's persistent suitor) who is the 

man speaking. When he found out that it was her child's fiancee, he was not happy. 

      Days, week, and months had passed they were surprise of the news that Rosa will be 

married not to his fiancee, but to Oscar. But because Lucio was to obedient to his parent, he

permitted Rosa to marry Oscar which made both of them sorrowful .It was hard for him 

though. But he just wanted Rosa to follow her mother.  Though Rosa  does  not want to 

marry Oscar, she was forced to because he was raped. For the sake of her " delicadesa"  

she was betrothed to Oscar. 
      Later had passed Lucio's father died, and after several weeks his love, Rosa died. This 

made Lucio felt a lot more of sorrow.

 Art and Delivery 


      The way the author writes the order of scenes, I can say that some of the scenes can be

a little bit predictable, which can also be manifested in teleseryes in the modern times. This 

somehow set the standards or techniques of Filipino authors. To add to it, the author made 

the sequence of scenes organized, and often uses flashbacks, which can still be seen in 

modern Filipino Tele novelas.




     The story tells us about the feeling of being in love. In loving a person, you must be 

prepared to face the ups and downs,  and the twist and turns of life. Couple with the feeling 

of love and happiness, there is always sorrow. You must learn to sacrifice and be hurt in the 

thing called LOVE.
      It also tells us the fact that in the world of politics, politician use there powers in order to 

conceive what they wanted whatever it takes. Which Don Ismael represents.    

     Another representation are of Rosa and Lucio. Rosa represents the true nature of a 

Filipina. A demure, moral and beautiful inside and out. Lucio represents the author, who 

addicted to books. This made him experience life in a second hand way.

     In totality, the story conveys the reality that life is a series of challenges. Life is not all 

about being happy. In order to truly experience life,  you must bravely encounter both the 

happiness and sorrows.  This serves as an inspiration to all.


1 comment:

  1. Hey just wanna ask if you have a physical copy of the book? Where did you purchase it, just wanna have my own copy and it's really hard to find one.
